Tuesday, June 18, 2013

San Francisco Brazilian Protests Solidarity Rally

Protesters wearing Brazilian flags
Another popular uprising, another San Francisco solidarity rally.  

Similar to the large-scale protests in Turkey prompting a San Francisco solidarity rally a few weeks ago, the recent multi-city Brazilian protests motivated some to organize a San Francisco solidarity rally with the Brazilian protests today.
Protesters unfurled a large Brazilian flag
The rally started at 6pm at Justin Herman / Bradley Manning plaza.  Protesters held up signs, took photos of each other, chanted and sung songs.  Most of the event seemed to be conducted in Portuguese. There was at least one brief speech, but the PA system didn't carry the sound too far.

Protesters holding a sign listing the grievances of the Brazilian protest movement
There didn’t seem to be any single Twitter hashtag for the San Francisco event, but tags for the Brazilian protests in general are: #OGiganteAcordou #CHANGEBRAZIL #ProtestaBrasil #OBRASILACORDOU

A San Francisco sign draped over the large Brazilian flag
The call for the protest follows:

Brazil is currently experiencing a widespread collapse of its infrastructure. There are problems with ports, airports, public transport, health and education. Brazil is not a poor country and the tax rates are extremely high. Brazilians see no reason to have such bad infrastructure when there is so much wealth that is so highly taxed. In the state capitals people spend up to four hours per day in traffic, either in their cars or on crowded public transport which is of very poor quality.

One gripe of the protesters is Brazilian government spending
on the World Cup in lieu of other social needs
The protests are not mere isolated, unionized movements or extreme left riots, as some of the Brazilian press says. It is not a teenage rebellion. It is the uprising of the most intellectualized portion of society who wants to put a stop to these Brazilian issues. The young national mid-class, which has always been unsatisfied with the political oblivion, has now "awaken" - in the words of the protesters." (please read the full article here:http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-988431)

The protests in Brazil were catalyzed by a 20 cent public transportation fare hike
So we, the brazilians who live outside of Brazil would like to invite everyone (brazilians, americans, etc!) to this protest in order to support our friends who have been unfairly arrested, who haven't had their basic rights to protest against a corrupted government. And on top of that we also would like to show the world the problems that our country is facing.

Balloons were plentiful at the rally
Please invite your friends, spread the word and join us in solidarity to the oppression that has been going on in Brazil!
Univision was on the scene

1 comment:

  1. Hope this protest was not so violent. Same protest took place few days back near one of San Francisco event venues. Many youngsters were there who participated in this. I and my friends were not happy to see youth protesting.
